
“Menace” focuses on 14th UNSDG which aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. ⠀

The title “Menace” combines the following contemplative terms: threat, violation, torture, retribution, remorseless, ignorance and indifference. The title emphasizes the remorseless threat and violations human society has imposed on the ocean environment system and the eventual retribution which we will suffer; our ignorance and indifference causes more unnecessary threats to ourselves. Optic vines that flow through the marine animals’ mouths infer both marine life and environmental destruction by mankind that gradually chokes these poor creatures. In this regard, “Menace” discloses the savagery of how we treat the oceans.

This digital illustration explores surrealism to lure attention with shocking images and colors; green and blue pupils show the aspects of the Earth while red and blue vines highlight the brutal impacts on the oceans and seas that will ultimately poison marine life to death. Black and white depiction of marine animals is representative of their innocence and absence of rights. The shape of the eyeball symbolizes the spherical Earth which embraces a large amount of water. The wholistic figure resembles a water drop, embracing the spherical Earth. This demonstrates the impact water has on mother nature and how our actions on earth influence water as a never ending cycle. Ironically, the pupil is looking away from the tragedy, symbolizing those who intentionally justify themselves to keep up their satisfaction gained from abusing innocent creatures as well as the environment.

